Employment Services

Name of organization and/or program
Eligibility information
16 - 24 years old; needs job skills training, education, counseling, or related assistance to help get started on a career pathway; applicants must meet one or more of these conditions: receives public assistance, earns poverty-level income, is homeless, is a foster child, or qualifies for free or reduced-price lunch; the applicant is a U.S. citizen, is a legal U.S. resident, or is a resident of a U.S. territory and/or is authorized to work in the United States; the student has made suitable arrangements for the care of any dependent children for the proposed period of enrollment; the student may not be eligible if they have certain criminal convictions or require court supervision; the student does not exhibit behavioral problems; the student does not use drugs illegally.
Payments Accepted
No Cost
Language(s) spoken
English & Spanish
1500 Indian School Rd NW
Albuquerque, NM 87104
Serves students from all over NM (students housed at center)
(505) 222-4243
Short Description
Job Corps is a tuition-free training and education program that connects eligible young men and women with the skills and educational opportunities they need to establish real careers. Albuquerque Job Corps Center also offers career planning, on-the-job training, and job placement, driver's education and English language learning, along with benefits including residential housing, food service, health and dental care, a bi-weekly basic living allowance, and a clothing allowance.
Name of organization and/or program
Eligibility information
Some programs/services have eligibility requirements. Check website or contact to see if there are requirements for the help you are looking for.
Payments Accepted
No Cost
Language(s) spoken
English & Spanish
5101 Copper Ave. NE
Albuquerque, NM 87108
Short Description
HELP New Mexico, Inc. exists to empower positive action through sustainable social services, inspire and motivate through effective community improvement programs, and to educate families and communities through innovative coaching. Programs include help with finding: education, food assistance, job training and job hunting, housing and utility assistance, child care and early childhood education, and basic health and safety assistance. See website for Spanish brochures about each program.
Name of organization and/or program
Eligibility information
There are potential costs; these are determined during the intake meetings. Proof of income will be required to determine cost, and will generally be paid out-of-pocket or there is a possibility of grant funding going towards the individuals using the services offered. Eligible individuals are those with a diagnosis of a disability. If an individual is not yet diagnosed, but suspects they have a disability, an appointment for an evaluation can be scheduled with the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation.
Payments Accepted
Self Pay
Language(s) spoken
English & Spanish
While none of the DVR offices are located in Colfax or Union counties, the DVR serves those residing in Colfax and Union counties. Check the DVR website for a list of satellite offices to find the one closest to you.
Short Description
The New Mexico Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) specializes in working with youth (14 and older) and adults with disabilities. They offer resources, both educational and employment supportive services, as well as technical training. The goal the DVR is is to help people with disabilities gain sustainability and achieve goals in employment.
Eligibility information
Adult Education services are available to all people aged 16 and older who are not enrolled in and not required to be enrolled in secondary school classes who demonstrate a need for services. That need can be demonstrated by not having a high school diploma or equivalent, not speaking/reading/writing English well and needing English language learning services (ESL), or scoring below a 12.9 proficiency level on a NRS approved assessment.
Payments Accepted
No Cost
Language(s) spoken
English & Spanish
2044 Galisteo Street, Suite 4
Santa Fe, NM 87505-2100
Short Description
The New Mexico Higher Education Department offers the following programs and services: High School Equivalency (HSE), English as a Second Language (ESL), Adult and Family Literacy, Workforce Preparation & Career Pathways, Adult Education Information Clearinghouse, and Funding Opportunities. The Adult Education Division at the New Mexico Higher Education Department (NMHED) exists to support adults to strengthen their core academic skills and meet their personal, educational, and career goals by offering adults a range of opportunities, and all of them are free! Details can be found on website.
Name of organization and/or program
Eligibility information
Adults need to be either dislocated worker or making less than $32/hour if currently employed (must be low income).
Payments Accepted
No Cost
Language(s) spoken
English & Spanish
130 Park Ave
Raton, NM 87740
Short Description
New Mexico Workforce Connection helps people get jobs, pays for their schooling, as well as offers a work experience program for younger-age kids trying to find out what they want to do career-wise. There is also an on-the job-training program that will pay 100% of the training costs, and reimburse employers for 90% of salary to give people a shot at working for that employer.
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