Name of organization and/or program
Listing Category
Eligibility information
16 - 24 years old; needs job skills training, education, counseling, or related assistance to help get started on a career pathway; applicants must meet one or more of these conditions: receives public assistance, earns poverty-level income, is homeless, is a foster child, or qualifies for free or reduced-price lunch; the applicant is a U.S. citizen, is a legal U.S. resident, or is a resident of a U.S. territory and/or is authorized to work in the United States; the student has made suitable arrangements for the care of any dependent children for the proposed period of enrollment; the student may not be eligible if they have certain criminal convictions or require court supervision; the student does not exhibit behavioral problems; the student does not use drugs illegally.
Payments Accepted
No Cost
Language(s) spoken
English & Spanish
1500 Indian School Rd NW
Albuquerque, NM 87104
Serves students from all over NM (students housed at center)
Albuquerque, NM 87104
Serves students from all over NM (students housed at center)
(505) 222-4243
Short Description
Job Corps is a tuition-free training and education program that connects eligible young men and women with the skills and educational opportunities they need to establish real careers. Albuquerque Job Corps Center also offers career planning, on-the-job training, and job placement, driver's education and English language learning, along with benefits including residential housing, food service, health and dental care, a bi-weekly basic living allowance, and a clothing allowance.
Name of organization and/or program
Listing Category
Payments Accepted
Self Pay
Language(s) spoken
English & Spanish
911 South Tenth Street
Tucumcari, NM 88401
Tucumcari, NM 88401
Short Description
Hours: Mon – Fri, 8.00am – 5:00pm
Classes available to all Union County residents.
Distance, traditional classroom learning, or a combination available.
High School Equivalency (HSE) / HiSET Exam
• High-school equivalency test (HiSET) for students 16 years and older
• Opportunity to earn a high-school diploma
• Graduates may qualify for the HSE Presidential Scholarship, the New Mexico Lottery Scholarship, and several other scholarships and grants
Preparation towards HiSET
• Serves adults 16 years and older who function below high-school level.
• Programs available to assist in improving basic literacy and numeracy skills to study towards an HSE credential, ESL, and civics
• Preparation for college and careers
English Language Acquisition (ELA) / Adquisición del idioma inglés
• Free classes and materials for students in this program /
Clases y materiales gratuitas para estudiantes en este programa
• Classes by appointment only / Hay que llamar para hacer una cita
• To become a United States citizen, one must pass a citizenship test.
• Students receive free program materials and instruction to help them pass the test.
Classes available to all Union County residents.
Distance, traditional classroom learning, or a combination available.
High School Equivalency (HSE) / HiSET Exam
• High-school equivalency test (HiSET) for students 16 years and older
• Opportunity to earn a high-school diploma
• Graduates may qualify for the HSE Presidential Scholarship, the New Mexico Lottery Scholarship, and several other scholarships and grants
Preparation towards HiSET
• Serves adults 16 years and older who function below high-school level.
• Programs available to assist in improving basic literacy and numeracy skills to study towards an HSE credential, ESL, and civics
• Preparation for college and careers
English Language Acquisition (ELA) / Adquisición del idioma inglés
• Free classes and materials for students in this program /
Clases y materiales gratuitas para estudiantes en este programa
• Classes by appointment only / Hay que llamar para hacer una cita
• To become a United States citizen, one must pass a citizenship test.
• Students receive free program materials and instruction to help them pass the test.
Name of organization and/or program
Listing Category
Eligibility information
Adult Education services are available to all people aged 16 and older who are not enrolled in and not required to be enrolled in secondary school classes who demonstrate a need for services. That need can be demonstrated by not having a high school diploma or equivalent, not speaking/reading/writing English well and needing English language learning services (ESL), or scoring below a 12.9 proficiency level on a NRS approved assessment.
Payments Accepted
No Cost
Language(s) spoken
English & Spanish
2044 Galisteo Street, Suite 4
Santa Fe, NM 87505-2100
Santa Fe, NM 87505-2100
Short Description
The New Mexico Higher Education Department offers the following programs and services: High School Equivalency (HSE), English as a Second Language (ESL), Adult and Family Literacy, Workforce Preparation & Career Pathways, Adult Education Information Clearinghouse, and Funding Opportunities. The Adult Education Division at the New Mexico Higher Education Department (NMHED) exists to support adults to strengthen their core academic skills and meet their personal, educational, and career goals by offering adults a range of opportunities, and all of them are free! Details can be found on website.