- Adult Protection Svcs
- Child Abuse Svcs
- COVID-19
- Domestic Violence Svcs
- Elder Abuse Svcs
- Gun Safety Svcs
- Human Trafficking
- Immigration Services
- Law Enforcement
- Poison Control
- Sexual Assault Resources
- Suicide Prevention
Name of organization and/or program
Listing Category
Eligibility information
No eligibility requirements.
Payments Accepted
No Cost
Language(s) spoken
English Only
Short Description
Agora Crisis Center helps provide 24/7 crisis intervention chat. Services include a help-line, online emotional support (chat), information and referrals, volunteer opportunities and community training workshops. Sometimes volunteers on the crisis line speak Spanish, but Spanish-speakers are not a guarantee.
Name of organization and/or program
Listing Category
Eligibility information
Geared towards people with eating disorders; you need to be at least 18 to participate in ANAD peer support groups, with the exception of the Adolescent/Teens support group.
Requirements to get a recovery mentor:
In outpatient care, not residential, PHP, or inpatient care at time of the mentorship program
Ability to get agreement from their therapist that they are a good fit for the mentorship program
18 years or older; parental consent if under 18
Live in the United States
Requirements to get a recovery mentor:
In outpatient care, not residential, PHP, or inpatient care at time of the mentorship program
Ability to get agreement from their therapist that they are a good fit for the mentorship program
18 years or older; parental consent if under 18
Live in the United States
Payments Accepted
No Cost
Language(s) spoken
English Only
Short Description
ANAD is the leading nonprofit in the U.S. that provides free, peer support services to anyone struggling with an eating disorder, regardless of age, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, or background. There are peer support groups (virtual, check website for schedule), recovery mentors (eligibility criteria for this), treatment directory and referral services.
Name of organization and/or program
Listing Category
Eligibility information
No eligibility requirements. Can contact if you are being hurt, know someone who might be hurting, or are afraid you might hurt another.
Payments Accepted
No Cost
Language(s) spoken
English & Spanish
Short Description
The Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline is dedicated to the prevention of child abuse. Serving the U.S. and Canada, the hotline is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with professional crisis counselors who—through interpreters—provide assistance in over 170 languages. The hotline offers crisis intervention, information, and referrals to thousands of emergency, social service, and support resources. All contacts are confidential.
Name of organization and/or program
Listing Category
Eligibility information
Payments Accepted
No Cost
112 North Front Street
Clayton, NM 88415
Clayton, NM 88415
Short Description
Clayton Police Department provides law enforcement and emergency services.
Name of organization and/or program
Listing Category
Eligibility information
No eligibility requirements.
Payments Accepted
No Cost
Language(s) spoken
English & Spanish
(505) 473-5200 or (800) 473-5220
Short Description
24/7 domestic violence crisis hotline.
Name of organization and/or program
Listing Category
Angel Fire, Basic Needs, Cimarron, Clayton, Colfax County, Des Moines, Disability Resources, Domestic Violence, Domestic Violence Svcs, Eagle Nest, Early Childhood Education, Education & Employment, Employment Services, Food, Housing, Job Training, Maxwell, Protection & Safety, Raton, Senior Services, Springer, State/National Resources, Union County, Utilities
Eligibility information
Some programs/services have eligibility requirements. Check website or contact to see if there are requirements for the help you are looking for.
Payments Accepted
No Cost
Language(s) spoken
English & Spanish
5101 Copper Ave. NE
Albuquerque, NM 87108
Albuquerque, NM 87108
Short Description
HELP New Mexico, Inc. exists to empower positive action through sustainable social services, inspire and motivate through effective community improvement programs, and to educate families and communities through innovative coaching. Programs include help with finding: education, food assistance, job training and job hunting, housing and utility assistance, child care and early childhood education, and basic health and safety assistance. See website for Spanish brochures about each program.
Name of organization and/or program
Listing Category
Eligibility information
No eligibility requirements. Can contact if you are being abused, suspect abuse of someone else, or are the abuser.
Payments Accepted
No Cost
Language(s) spoken
English & Spanish
1.800.799.SAFE (7233)
Short Description
24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, the National Domestic Violence Hotline provides essential tools and support to help survivors of domestic violence so they can live their lives free of abuse. Contacts to The Hotline can expect highly-trained, expert advocates to offer free, confidential, and compassionate support, crisis intervention information, education, and referral services in over 200 languages.
Name of organization and/or program
Listing Category
Eligibility information
No eligibility requirements, but aimed at runaway or homeless youth and teens.
Payments Accepted
No Cost
Language(s) spoken
English & Spanish
1-800-RUNAWAY (1-800-786-2929)
Short Description
By calling 1-800-RUNAWAY (1-800-786-2929), you can connect with a trusted, compassionate person who will listen and help you create a plan to address your concerns. The Live Chat option online connects you with a member of the trusted and compassionate NRS Crisis Services team who will listen in real time and help you create a plan to address your concerns.
Name of organization and/or program
Listing Category
Eligibility information
People between ages 13 and 26 and concerned friends and family members, teachers, counselors, and other service providers.
Payments Accepted
No Cost
Language(s) spoken
English & Spanish
1.866.331.9474 or Text LOVEIS to 22522
Short Description
A project of the National Domestic Violence Hotline, Love is Respect offers 24/7 information, support, and advocacy to young people between the ages of 13 and 26 who have questions or concerns about their romantic relationships. They also provide support to concerned friends and family members, teachers, counselors, and other service providers through the same free and confidential services via phone, text, and live chat.
Name of organization and/or program
Listing Category
Eligibility information
Each car seat distribution site has their own qualifications families must meet before being issued a car seat. Most locations will ask families to provide proof of eligibility for Medicaid, WIC, or New Mexi-Kids. Fees vary by distribution site. However, the car seat fee for qualified families is typically $25. If a family cannot afford this, they can still get a car seat. No one will be turned away due to inability to pay.
Payments Accepted
Self Pay
Language(s) spoken
English & Spanish
Local distribution site for Colfax County is Miners Colfax Medical Center
203 Hospital Dr.
Raton, NM 87740
203 Hospital Dr.
Raton, NM 87740
Short Description
Funded by the New Mexico Department of Transportation Traffic Safety Division, the New Mexico Child Safety Seat Distribution Program (NMCSSDP) helps provide car seats and education on how to properly use them to low-income New Mexico families at a low cost. Call the number above to be put in contact with the program coordinator for Colfax County.
Name of organization and/or program
Listing Category
Eligibility information
No eligibility requirements.
Payments Accepted
No Cost
Language(s) spoken
English & Spanish
Short Description
24/7 Hotline for people to report human trafficking of themselves or others.
Name of organization and/or program
Listing Category
Eligibility information
No eligibility requirements. Typically serves residents of long-term care facilities, families and friends of residents, and long-term care facility staff.
Payments Accepted
No Cost
Language(s) spoken
English & Spanish
2550 Cerrillos Road
Santa Fe, NM 87501
Santa Fe, NM 87501
Short Description
In New Mexico, the Aging and Long-Term Services Department oversees the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program (LTCOP). The NM LTCOP consists of dedicated Ombudsman volunteers and coordinators who visit residents in long-term care facilities (nursing homes, assisted living facilities, etc.) The Ombudsman Program provides advocacy and assistance by offering residents a means to voice their concerns and have their complaints addressed.
The Ombudsman Program works with all parties involved to resolve problems and improve both quality of life and quality of care for residents in long-term care facilities. See brochure in English and Spanish on website.
The Ombudsman Program works with all parties involved to resolve problems and improve both quality of life and quality of care for residents in long-term care facilities. See brochure in English and Spanish on website.
Name of organization and/or program
Listing Category
Eligibility information
No eligibility requirements.
Payments Accepted
No Cost
Language(s) spoken
English & Spanish
800.656.HOPE (4673)
Short Description
To talk to someone anonymously and confidentially 24/7 in Spanish or English, RAINN’s National Sexual Assault Hotline is available by phone at 800.656.4673 and can be accessed at rainn.org/es in Spanish or in English at online.rainn.org.
Name of organization and/or program
Listing Category
Eligibility information
No eligibility requirements.
Payments Accepted
No Cost
Language(s) spoken
English & Spanish
Short Description
Raton Crime Stoppers provides a means for members of the community to anonymously aid law enforcement. Raton Crime Stoppers encourages members of the community to assist local law enforcement agencies in the fight against crime by overcoming the two key elements that inhibit community involvement: fear and apathy. Crime Stoppers provides a telephone number and online secure reporting form to encourage citizens in the community to anonymously volunteer vital information helpful to law enforcement agencies to fight against crime.
Name of organization and/or program
Listing Category
Eligibility information
No eligibility requirements.
Payments Accepted
No Cost
Language(s) spoken
English & Spanish
224 Savage Ave
Raton, NM 87740
Raton, NM 87740
(575) 445-2704
Short Description
Police Department for City of Raton, NM. Utilize third-party translator for Spanish-speaking individuals.
Name of organization and/or program
Listing Category
Eligibility information
No eligibility requirements, but services are geared towards Native Americans and Alaska Natives.
Payments Accepted
No Cost
Language(s) spoken
English & Spanish
1-844-7NATIVE (762-8483)
Short Description
StrongHearts Native Helpline (1-844-762-8483) is a 24/7 confidential and anonymous culturally-appropriate domestic, dating and sexual violence helpline for Native Americans. StrongHearts advocates offer the following services at no cost:
Peer support and advocacy
Information and education about domestic violence and sexual violence
Personalized safety planning
Crisis intervention
Referrals to Native-centered domestic violence and sexual violence service providers
Basic information about health options
Support finding a local health facility or crisis center that is trained to care for survivors of sexual assault and offers services like sexual assault forensic exams
General information about jurisdiction and legal advocacy referrals
Peer support and advocacy
Information and education about domestic violence and sexual violence
Personalized safety planning
Crisis intervention
Referrals to Native-centered domestic violence and sexual violence service providers
Basic information about health options
Support finding a local health facility or crisis center that is trained to care for survivors of sexual assault and offers services like sexual assault forensic exams
General information about jurisdiction and legal advocacy referrals
Name of organization and/or program
Listing Category
Eligibility information
No eligibility requirements.
Payments Accepted
No Cost
Language(s) spoken
English & Spanish
1-800-662-HELP (4357)
Short Description
SAMHSA’s National Helpline (also known as the Treatment Referral Routing Service), is a confidential, free, 24-hour-a-day, 365-day-a-year, information service, in English and Spanish, for individuals and family members facing mental and/or substance use disorders. This service provides referrals to local treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations.
Name of organization and/or program
Listing Category
Eligibility information
No eligibility requirements, but the hotline is typically used by people in the LGBTQ+ community.
Payments Accepted
No Cost
Language(s) spoken
English Only
Short Description
Crisis counselors are trained to answer calls, chats, or texts from LGBTQ young people who reach out on our the, confidential and secure 24/7 service when they are struggling with issues such as coming out, LGBTQ identity, depression, and suicide. People can call the number above, text ‘START’ to 678-678 or use an online chat option on the website.
Name of organization and/or program
Listing Category
Eligibility information
No eligibility requirements.
Payments Accepted
No Cost
Language(s) spoken
English & Spanish
1-866-3-HUNGRY (1-866-348-6479) or 1-877-8-HAMBRE (for Spanish)
Short Description
The hotline is a resource for individuals and families seeking information on how to obtain food. The National Hunger Hotline staff connects callers with emergency food providers in their community, government assistance programs, and various social services. The hotline can be reached Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. ET. The Hunger Hotline also operates a texting service at 914-342-7744.
Name of organization and/or program
Listing Category
Eligibility information
No eligibility requirements.
Payments Accepted
No Cost
Language(s) spoken
English & Spanish
444 Hereford Street
Raton, NM 87740
Raton, NM 87740
(575) 445-3691
Short Description
As part of the criminal justice system, the mission of the Vigil-Maldonado Detention Center is to incarcerate all persons legally placed in custody in the most humane and constitutional way possible, while, guaranteeing the safety and security of the community, detainees, visitors, and staff. Visit website to speak with a detainee.
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8 am - 4 pm
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8 am - 4 pm